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  • Immagine del redattoreDOZZO

REPETITA IUVANT / perseverare diabolicum

While showing to my son a video of a dwarf swimmer getting ready for the race in loop i realized what made the success of TikTok.

It is the fact that the videos are in Loop.

Like Deleuze explains in Difference and repetition, the repetition of an element give significance to both the unit and the repetition.

TikTok videos are generally short and useless, utterly stupid or insignificant mostly of people shaking their ass in front of the phone camera.

However the continuos repetition in a loop absracts them from the sheer stupidity to be something meaningful and timeless.

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Me Me Me

I just discovered on the radio I might be a covert narcisist, other than a regular narcisist. That would make me a full spectrum narcisist And that would make YOU a loser to not make the effort to see

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